Posts Tagged: general


Well. It’s been a while, eh? In fact it’s been so long I thought I’d have to reset my password to login, but fortunately my browser remembered it.

Anyway, how you been? Me? Busy. Somehow. Blogging here, and my other place which is usually the busier of the two sites, has taken a bit of a back seat over the last couple of months for some reasons I won’t go into here and other reasons I could but would bore you silly, if you’re not already.

I think the main reason I haven’t posted here for a while is because whenever I go out with a camera my daughter seems to be with me and she has commandeered my Canon DSLR which has left me to get on with things with my Nikon film camera. I don’t mind, my lass is developing a hobby and I’m getting practice with a slightly different camera. I could scan the results and post them, but frankly, I need a lot more practice with it. It took a while to stop chimping at the screen that isn’t there and other photographers go on about the suspense and excitement that comes with being made to wait before they see their photos after a trip to the processors. I don’t. I hate it.

It’s not so much having the screen on the back of a DSLR, it’s more being able to get home and look at what I’ve shot that day or evening and edit them, if needed. I don’t normally take 30-odd photos when I go out, with an SLR, even if I did fill up a roll in one outing, it can be days before I get the photos back. I don’t have room for a darkroom in my house either.

My lass on the other hand seems to have taken to photography like a natural. I think i’m gonna have to get her her own camera so I can have mine back.

Anyway, as this is primarily a photoblog, and the front page has a horrible X on it if I don’t put a picture in the post here’s a photo, taken by my brother-in-law, of me doing the Marin Trail…

on the Marin Trail